Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out and we’ll help.

How did you guys build this?
The database that powers this site contains every score ever shot by an MAA member at an MAA-hosted event since 2003. Besides calculating state records, this has the advantage of letting site visitors see a more complete history of MAA scores and events.
What kind of information can I find here?
Besides state records for all current and retired rounds shot in the MAA’s history, visitors will find a ranked list of scores short for every round and division. There is also a score listing for every MAA event as well as a profile for each person in the score database which includes their scores and any state records they own.
Who is eligible to set a start record?
In order to be eligible to set a state record, an archer must be a member of the MAA. All NFAA members who select Minnesota as their home state and all Minnesota residents who are members of USA Archery or S3DA are members of the MAA.
At which events can state records be set?
Archers can set state records at any MAA-sponsored event or any USA Archery, NFAA, or S3DA event that takes place in Minnesota.
What should I do if I find a mistake?
If you find a mistake or think that there’s a score missing from the database, send us an email. We’ll reach out and work with you to get things fixed up.
What about guest scores at tournaments?
We only record scores for MAA members on this site since only members can qualify for state records. Full tournament results including scores from our guests are available on the MAA website or at one of the national organizations’ sites.
Where can I find state records for the Minnesota State Archery Association (MSAA)?
The MSAA is a separate, independent archery organization in Minnesota. You will find their start records on their website at